the low budget film program
The MARRAKECHsFF's low budget film program, is a program dedicated to assist the Moroccans filmmakers from the festivals previous editions. As the aim of Marrakech Short Film Festival is to be industry-oriented event, the low budget program is one of our actions to work towards our aim. A program created to support and empower the creation and the development of the Moroccan short film industry. In partnership with Chaoui Production and under the mentoring of Lamia Chraibi, each year we will select projects from our alumni. The program will accompany the filmmakers from A to Z in their process of filmmaking, by providing technical, financial and mentoring assistance.

director and director of photography and artist photographer from the city of Oujda, in Morocco, born on 25/22/1992, baccalaureate in applied arts, and graduate specialized in cinematography at the Institut du Cinéma de Ouarzazate, I have several videoclips, 2 short films (Mémoire Chronisme-Ghost OfSpacetime), photographic works, And also other commercial projects, such as movies institutional, advertising...

Humanoid birds with constrained wings live in a hollow cave. According to their beliefs, flying and soaring are forbidden. One day, a young man who discovered the power of his wings and explored the wonders of the outside world descends upon them in order to enlighten his fellow creatures

Jihane is a 23 year old Mauritian-Moroccan director of animation, as well as a screenplay writer and production manager. She made her first amateur short animated film "Nuit Sanglante" in 2016. While studying cinema in Paris, she learnt filmmaking and made several short animations. In 2019, she wrote and directed the animated short "Matryuchka" with Kinan Youssef. Kinan is a 26 year old Syrian director, camera operator and screenplay. In 2012, he fell inlove with cinema during his first casting in Damas. After he stars in a Syrian movie directerd by Adb El Hamd' "Achek". Since he pursue his studies in a Master in Directing in Parislove with cinema during his first casting in Damas. After he stars in a Syrian movie directerd by Adb El Hamd' "Achek". Since he pursue his studies in a Master in Directing in Paris.

Dr. Heck is attempting to bring back to life a mysterious creature through an uncanny scientific experiment.