What else grows on the palm of your hand

The routines of two women fuse together over time. One is busy with her bread, the other with her memories. Their similar gestures, repeated again and again, slowly unfold the special bond that unites them.

Duration : 16min

Release date : 2024

Country : Morocco, Belgium


Dhiaa is a Moroccan photographer and filmmaker based in Brussels. After obtaining her bachelor's in image techniques at L’Institut supérieur des métiers de l’audiovisuel et du Cinema in Rabat, she pursued her master's in filmmaking at LUCA school of Arts. In her work, Dhiaa is inspired by the normality of day-to-day life and the underlying beauty of human (inter)actions. These simple stories are what make the subject of her works. She enjoys telling stories within a precise lens and concise framing and composition. To make anything at all, Dhiaa relays on visual materials, poetry, and a lot of observation.

Dhiaa Director of What else grows on the palm of your hand?