Vincent Before Noon

A father pays his son a visit after years of conflict and turns up in the middle of his house move. The son Vincent reacts violently to that intrusion. Emotionally weakened, the father involuntarily reveals the true reason for his visit, which revives the tension between them. Within a few minutes, the anger, the memories and the crossed looks move the two men deeply.

Duration : 17.43

Release date : 2019

Country : France


Since 2008, Guillaume Mainguet is scriptwriter and director ; he has shot several short films screened worldwide : The Shadow of the trees doesn’t exist anymore (2010), Walker (2013), The Girl and the Dogs (2014) premiered in Cannes Director's Forthnight, and more recently The Middle of a Lake (2016) and Vincent before Noon (2019). He is currently developing his first feature film Green Woods, with Paris based production company Acrobates Films.

Guillaume Mainguet Director of Vincent Before Noon