In a small Mediterranean village, an ancient myth unexpectedly comes to life. Two fishermen find a dolphin accidentally caught in their nets. The dolphin, on its turn, finds a fisherman drowning in the water and tries to save him.
Duration : 17.06
Release date : 2022
Country : GREECE


a Greek director and medical doctor. She was selected in Sarajevo Talents 2021. Her first short film “54/The Blind Turtle and the Endless Sea” (2020) screened in Oscar-qualifying festivals and more than 20 countries worldwide. Following its festival run, the film, distributed by Salaud Morisset, was acquired by CANAL+ in France and Cosmote TV Cinema in Greece and Cyprus. Her second script “Nothing Holier Than A Dolphin” (2022) was awarded by one of Europe's largest environmental organizations as a story offering great environmental insight. The short film has its World premiere at EFA qualifying Int. Short Film Festival in Drama. She is interested in the therapeutic aspect of art and the transformation point between reality and fantasy. Nature and feminism are recurrent themes in her work.
Isabella Margara Director of Nothing holier than a Dolphin