As Kacem nears completion of his film, his father’s critical condition disrupts everything. Racing against time, he abandons all to reach his father, hoping for a miracle. But the reality that awaits challenges him profoundly, unveiling his deepest fears and regrets

Duration : 17.34

Release date : 2024

Country : Morocco


Born and raised in Figuig, Morocco, Aymane Hammou is a young film director, graduated from École Supérieure des Arts Visuels de Marrakech, where he directed his first short film « A Lamb, a Sheep and Ravens » as his master’s degree graduation project in film directing. His first feature documentary project « FANNA, mother of Figuig » was selected for the documentary development program « The Documentary Beehive » (FIDADOC).Aymane has also worked as an assistant director on various national and international films, series, and TV shows. In late 2023, he joined LA PROD, an established independent cinema production company.

Hammou Aymane Director of A LAMB, A SHEEP AND RAVENS